First Time?
Gym Information
All Participants must complete a waiver on first visit.
Check-in is required on all visits.
No street shoes or sandals on the padding – climbing shoes only please!
No running, flips, acrobatics or horseplay – please walk while in the facility.
No tobacco of any kind, alcohol or drugs – no intoxication.
Roped climbing is only allowed during Refuge supervised activities.
Be respectful of others. No vulgar or profane language.
The Refuge reserves the right to temporarily or permanently refuse service to anyone who behaves in a way that is detrimental or harmful to themselves or others in the facility.
Promptly report any personal injury or damage to facility equipment.
No food or drinks on padded surfaces.
No Child under the age of 5 allowed on the padded surfaces – no toddlers or babies in climbing areas.
No Child under the age of 7 allowed in “the Cave” or on the part of “the Visor” with steep roof and top-out deck above.
Participants between ages 5 and 12 must be actively supervised by parent or staff instructor.
Children ages 5–7 must be within reach of parent when on padded areas, except when involved in Refuge supervised activity.
Use of fitness equipment by participants under age 16 must be supervised by staff instructor or parent.
Climbing involves risk of injury and death. Do not participate in this sport at the Refuge unless you understand these risks, agree to take them, and to act responsibly to minimize them.
Do not climb to heights you are uncomfortable with.
Down-climb whenever possible.
Do not stand or climb below climbers who are on the wall. Step back from the fall zone when not climbing.
Spotting can reduce risk or increase risk to both climber and spotter. Understand how to spot, and communicate effectively with anyone who you will spot, or who will spot you, on the nature of the fall and how the spot is to be done. If you do not understand how to spot, get instruction on how to do so.
You are responsible for finding your own spotter, and you must determine if that individual can accomplish a good spot. Don’t agree to spot unless you feel prepared to do so effectively and without risk to yourself.
Down-climb routes are established on the two top-out decks. Down-climb with care, and do not do so when.